Throwback Thusdays: 1988 Ads for WTB-Designed Specialized Hardpack and Ground Control S Tires

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WTB designed 25 different tread patterns for Specialized from 1985 through 1993.  Team WTB racers rode many of these tires to victory, like the 1985 NORBA Championships where 4 out of the top 10 finishers were part of Team WTB.  Other rippers, like those under the Specialized banner did too, just like Paul Thomasberg above and Ned Overend below.

And... the magazine they came from (which I found in pristine condition, mind you):

Alright, here comes the tech document to prove to you that I'm not kidding, WTB really did design those tires, this is no joke. By the way, get past the tech document and there's a treat at the end, kind of like gold at the end of the rainbow.

Alright, still with me?  Now for the treat.  So this has ZERO to do with WTB but EVERYTHING to do with 1988.  It's beautiful, I saw this page while flipping through the magazine and man, I was stunned.  If only life could be just like this...

1988 Mountain Bike Action Crossroads II Mountain Bike Action Specialized Ground Control tire Specialized Hardpack Tire Throwback Thursdays Vintage MTB Wilderness Trail Bikes WTB WTB designed Specialized tires WTB Throwback Thursdays

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