Rodeo Labs Rocks the Nano 40 in Lost Park CO

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Our friends at Rodeo Labs kept it real this past weekend.  People wonder what's up with the Nano 40.  I'll tell you what's up, you can really ride everything with it as Stephen Fitzgerald kindly displays in his excellent post that's got it all - true singletrack, seemingly abandoned fire roads, asphalt, gravel, the whole deal.  Big miles, out there, fall.  I miss Colorado and this post shows it in true fall splendor.  Breathtaking photos.  Plus, I really would want a mountain bike for plenty of this, it's amazing what you can get away with when you run a little bigger tires than you otherwise would.  So before I hijack more of Stephen's fine work, peep his post and wrap up video HERE.

Adventure CO Trail Drop Bar offroad Fall Ride Gravel Lost Park Rally Nano 40 Rodeo Labs

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