Closer to Cold

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High Noon in Fairbanks AK

Just got a call from Rocky, our pal up in Fairbanks Alaska. It is so cold (-22 degrees Fahrenheit) that you can't even feel the heat of the sun. At a mere four hours, you have to enjoy what little sun you do get, “The Bloodless sun has all but disappeared.” A two and a half hour commute home was interrupted by a train passing through town, which created a wait of ten minutes. A ten minute wait when it is -22 degrees outside means you get COLD very quickly. Rocky will be riding the 350 mile Iditarod Trail Invitational in late January. Go Rocky go!

This is What -22 Degrees Looks Like on a Bike

In other news, Drew the intern just scored the entire bowl of sample holiday cookies from Whole Foods after our accountant Dr. Phil Collins suggest he get a bag and dump all of the sample cookies in it... bad and good all at the same time.

Tunnels are pretty cool, but when they re-open a train tunnel for bicycles, that is way cool. Join WTB and Freedom at the opening of the Cal Park Tunnel in San Rafael on December 10th at 3 pm for the official ribbon cutting ceremony. This is a big deal for bicycle commuting in Marin.

So what's my point? Reach for the bike, not the remote when the cold dark days of winter sink in deeper as we get closer to cold, be careful what you tell your interns to do, and tunnels for bikes are way cool.


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