Living the Dream with WTB

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WTB makes good bike parts, and has for some time. There are a lot of reasons for this but mostly because of the people who, for one reason or another, have chosen a path that led them to the bicycle industry. What they find at WTB is an outlet for their passions in life, which more often than not is consumed with family, riding, health, outdoors, good food, drink and friends—not necessarily in this order. Feeding your passion and that of your friends’ with what you do each day is what we call living the dream.


We're not going to lie...there’s a bit of work involved but what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, as they say…

Case in point is our own unsung hero and resident nice guy Jason Moeschler, living the dream as WTB’s OEM Sales Manager. Our friends at Mountain Bike Action magazine made it easy to select him as the first in a series of WTB employee profiles that will be featured here periodically. Enjoy!


Jason Moeschler News

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