Technology that Makes Sense not Hassle

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CID – Compatible Integrated Design – Something every WTB rim, hub, or wheel has in common. What’s so great about it? It means you can wander into any bike shop and they can service your wheel with the most common spokes and nipples.

Picture this: you and your riding buddies escape the city and are road tripping somewhere awesome, say Moab, UT for instance. You’re riding and you go for the pass on your friend, who just so happened to be making a mockery of your bike earlier that day. In a matter of seconds a game changer occurs. You hit a rock, go over the bars, break a spoke and land in a cactus. Not a problem, well except for maybe the cactus and a slightly bruised ego. Even though you’re a thousand miles from home, thanks to CID, there is a 99.99% chance every bike shop in Moab has a new spoke for you. Ditch the proprietary tools and the hassle of waiting for special order parts and get on the CID program. Be back on the bike in a day with another chance to be a hero.


CID News UT wheel WTB

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