The Tibet Challenge 2015

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Arnold Zhang our Marketing Coordinator in China finished at 7th overall and his team: Camp-Vaude finished at 3rd. There were 31 participants of race and only 9 finished. 

The route is 5,476km using the National Road, from Sichuan Province to Lhasa,Tibet.The race 2015 started on the 10th of October and it finished the 19th. The daily average altitude was 3,600-4,000 with an daily gain of 2,500m. They rode through mud, snow, ice and rain to complete this race. Most riders were wearing rubber gloves to stay dry and keep warm. 

Most everyone road road bikes with a few cross bikes and hard tail XC bikes sprinkled in there. Arnold was riding the Thickslick tires and didn't get any flats unlike his competitors. 

Here are a few pictures of the race: Photos by: Andy Shang and 






Q& A with Arnold about the race: 
  • What was the most amazing thing you saw? 

The snow peaksThe Namcha Barwa!!!!(God i get goose bumps!)and sooooo many stunning landscapes and the Holy Mountain

  • What products did you ride? 

All 3 of us Team CampVaude)were equipped with Freedom’s Thicksilck 70028C Sport tires front and rearI DIDN'T HAVE ANY PUNCTURES DURING THE WHOLE RACE AND NO DEFLATION AT ONCE!!!It's INCREDIBLE!And Silverado Carbon saddle under my arsethe other two run Volt Team and SL8 Team.

  • What kept you going? 

As a team leader i'd set goals before the race startedfinish it and try our best to get the strongest rider He huaisong on the podiumalso flight for Team-Overall placement. I had some emotional motivation of my own:my grandma passed away 6 months ago when I exploring the route of this event. 

  • What was the weather like? How did you stay warm? 

The weather there is one of the biggest challengesthe temperature varies greatly between day and nightin extreme condition we using cling film to protect our kneesfoothead and body from frozen wind. 

  • What makes this race so special? 

high sea level altitude long distancestunning landscapefamous route318 National Roaduncertain  weather extreme conditions and crazy organizers and riders

  • How many competitors were there? How many finished? 

319 of  those completed the race! 

  • Most important lesson learned? 

“Take it easy  and keep your eyes open dude”“Make your body as warm as your burning heart

  • Tell us about the race: 

Your sight will be the sweetness in heaven when your body suffering in hell

  • If you could describe the race in one word- what would it be? 

CrazySufferingor SuicideGame for Bravenot Impulsive

  • Anything else you want to add? 

Too many words and stories,you need be there to experience that more than meets the eyesat least! 


Congrats Arnold on this amazing accomplishment! 

Arnold Zhang Challenge Race Tibet

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