Rad People Who Ride: Leo Pershall

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Leo is out the door and on his way – Tour Divide, watch out!

Leo Pershall is one of the most focused and disciplined people I know.  Ever since I first heard over a year and half ago that he was planning on doing Tour Divide (2,745 miles from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, New Mexico as an unsupported race - http://tourdivide.org/), Leo has been undisturbed in his intense focus on understanding and preparing himself for the relentless endeavor.  His wholehearted approach is admirable to put it lightly.  Well, enough Tour Divide talk for now.

Leo is also a great guy.  He’s honest, hard-working, loyal, disciplined, thankful, humble, funny, and caring – a real pleasure to be around.  He truly embodies what we’re looking for when we say rad people who ride – he’s definitely rad and it’d be difficult to find someone who rides more.  Enjoy Leo’s following responses and a smattering of pictures.  Also, scroll down to the bottom to check a link that shows where Leo currently is on his adventure.

Name: Burl “Leo” Pershall

Home Shop and City:

Village Peddler, Larkspur, Ca.

Shoot, I love the V.P. so much I don’t just shop there, I work there.

Favorite WTB or Freedom product:

That’s super easy! TCS Nano 29’s. These babies are fast and tough as nails!

Silverado SLT and a backrest, wait that’s actually a SPOT locator SOS beacon and gear tucked away.  Nano 2.1 29” TCS tires keep Leo’s mobile home moving smoothly.

Favorite Ride:

Any solo, multi day ride.

Background, how’d you get into riding, what kept you going with it?

It was originally my wife’s idea for me to ride, but I HATED cyclists, so that wasn’t enough. Then, I saw the start of the Tour of California in Sausalito by accident on my lunch break. Something about the sound of 100 riders clipping in and the entourage that followed, well, let’s just say I was hooked. I stuck with it because I love it and how else could I have ended a 15 year relationship with cigarettes.

Tube or Tubeless, why?

Tubeless. Do you really have to ask why?

3 most important things to bring with you on a ride?

Butter, bear spray and a GPS.

Command central – looks like an iPad but it’s not, it’s a map case, cyclometer, GPS, water bottles, multiple hand positions – whole lot goin’ on up there

Craziest thing you’ve seen or witnessed on a ride?

Mountain Lions! I’m like a magnet for these things, hence the bear spray!


Yup, that’s easily accessible bear spray.  The Montana stretch is Grizzly central – some Tour Dividers refuse to camp through the entirety of Montana, instead hoteling it in the hodgepodge of lonesome hotels strewn across the journey.

Most important lesson to teach the groms?

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that your dreams are unobtainable.

Geared up with a stoic gaze in a pensive moment – nobody can refute that Leo has turned dreams into a reality.

Left my wallet in… (fill it in):

I have never left my wallet anywhere. I’ve had the same wallet since my 16th birthday. That’s 20 years.

Anything you’d like to plug, courtesy of WTB’s blog?

Leo’s bike in Banff, Alberta – believe it or not, he’s there too.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego… errr…. I mean, Leo Pershall?

Follow Leo’s race and GPS whereabouts here: http://trackleaders.com/tourdivide13i.php?name=Leo_Pershall


Banff beacon Great Divide Grizzlies Grizzly Larkspur locator Montana Mountain Lion Mountain Lions nano Nano 2.1 29 Silverado SLT Spot TCS Tour Divide Village Peddler WTB

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