EWS Round 2 - Columbia

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Photos by Sven Martin ( @svenmartinphoto )

Martha Gill sliding her way to a ninth place finish. The muddy conditions in Columbia were lacking traction similar to Chile, but in a very different way.
Mud pack on bikes added a new element to going fast.
Dan Wolfe avoiding a bit of the slippery race course.
Marco Osborne diving into a sticky left hander. 
After two weeks of racing, riders get a weekend to recover before Round 3 at a new venue for EWS - Montagnes du Caroux, France.
Caro Gehrig came home with an 8th place finish.
Martha down stairs during the stage with, possibly, the most traction of the event.
Marco deep in the urban jungle. 
WTB sponsored Norco Twins Racing Team, Caro & Anita Gehrig - 8th & 11th overall.
The town came out in force to cheer riders on. 

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