Rad People Who Ride: Ryan "The Noid" Beamish

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Ryan "The Noid" Beamish can always be found doing the right thing. Whether it's getting more kids on bikes, shaping berms at the local pump track, preserving our freedom or simply holding the door for somebody when they're still twenty feet away. He's that kind of guy. The good kind that you're always stoked to have around. The guy who stands up for what is right in his mind, whether or not that opinion is shared with those around him. It's a welcome presence in a society where we're told what we can and can't say. He backs it all all up with firm high fives and an unfathomable level of genuine stoke. All of this is what makes his presence both on and off the trail so enjoyable. 

We met Beamish at the first annual WTB Semper Fi Mountain Bike Skills Camp back in 2016. He returned this year as well and took on the role of a group leader more than a participant. A lot of folks will take the time to teach, but Beamish will take the time to make sure you understand. Incredibly talented on either 20" or 27.5" rubber, he's an easy guy to look up to even when he's the shortest guy in the group (sorry Beamish, we gotta get the jabs in when we can).  This world would be a better, albeit harsher, world if we had more Noids in it.  

Most importantly, Beamish threw down the best kick-the-can we've ever seen during a mid-race run at the 2017 TDS Enduro. In it to win it and still having fun along the way.




Ryan Beamish ... The Noid

Home City:

Tucson, Arizona

Notable passions, feats of accomplishment, interests, goals, phobias and unusual experiences:

I'm really passionate about The Semper Fi Fund, which is dedicated to helping my brothers in arms. Dogs and two wheels, of course. Back in 2015, my dog Duke needed a TPLO knee surgery. Long story short, I developed a cactus sculpture out of old bike chains and began selling them to pay for his medical bills. Molly Hurford at Bicycling Magazine featured us in the July 2016 issue and it blew up. Everyday was ended with a long night in the garage, trying to fulfilling orders after my day job. On my days, off I would hit up Ordinary Bikes, Ajo Bikes, Roadrunner Bikes, and Ben's bikes here locally for the materials, which were primarily oil chains, cogs, and chainrings. Thanks guys! I lost Duke on 1/20/2017 due to an aggressive form of Valley Fever, but I had nine solid years with my boy and he will live on forever because of DukesSaguaros. I really miss him. I fear of failing others, or not being able to help them in a time of need.


Favorite WTB product:

Vigilante 2.3 tires always regulates the unruly trails. Volt USA saddle...both editions!!! Rolling on Frequency i29 rims will make you feel fine!

Favorite Ride:

The kind with good company, some serious laughs, and no injuries! It could be XC miles with big views, it could be a kick ass climb with a well deserved descent, or it could be getting a good BMX session of putting pegs to use. BMX will always be my base.

Background, how’d you get into riding, what kept you going with it?

I started riding at 3 years old, as I sent it down the driveway and rode that freedom wave. Around 12 years old, BMX racing was my thing, along with any kind of neighborhood dirt jumping. Escalante Locals knew whats up. Street BMX came in when I was around 14 years old. Our crew was called Krimzen BMX, and we filmed pretty heavy stuff. All the videos and clips are on YouTube now. The love for that feeling is what I chase. That feeling is what secures my passion. My passion defeats the negatives.


Tube or tubeless, why?

Tubeless, because tubeless. Oh...and coming in too hot and blasting through a prickly pear cactus patch. That's why.


3 most important things to bring with you on a ride?

1. Snacks = a good attitude. Sometimes a full burrito is best.
2. Safety supplies and a flat repair kit.
3. The determination to adapt and overcome whatever situation you will face during the adventure.

Craziest thing you’ve seen or witnessed on a ride?

1. Sam's eye socket with a hole in it after going down a wood feature on Evil Empire in PC.
2. Sabino Canyon night ride descent. The third guy went over the edge of a bridge and down a 10-foot drop. The good news...he's still alive.
3. A moth went into a bud's ear at night and we had to use tweezers to extract said moth on the trail at 3:30am.


Most important lesson to teach the groms?

Respect. No Dig, No Ride. Earn your turns and keep that head on a swivel. Encouragement...in this sport we take some slams, it only makes you tougher for the next time. Chase the fast guys.

Left my wallet in… (fill it in):

My shorts? The car? Who knows, I hide things from myself often.


Anything you’d like to plug, courtesy of WTB’s blog?

DukesSaguaros on FB. Give me a like. Maybe even an order!
Mark, Marco, Jason, Ben, Tom!
The Sanchez Family!
The ENTIRE WTB family!
Ariel & Mark at Fox
Colby at CamelBak
dukessaguaros rad people who ride ryan beamish Semper Fi Fund the noid

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