Of Olympians and Special Agents

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Special Agent Byrom, at your service.

WTB's President, Patrick Seidler, is a busy man traveling the globe working, meeting, flying, attending Eurobike, Taipei Show, Interbike, visiting our WTB Asia office, visiting our WTB Europe office, and, last but not least, visiting our Nevada City office.  Needless to say, he's seen a lot in his travels, it's not easy to surprise him.  Yet nothing prepared him for what he saw upon opening the door to WTB's Nevada City office last week.

He saw men.  Men in suits SUITS suits... who roam around the world looking for... forget the Robin Hood Men In Tights reference for a moment, WTB's President saw very professionally attired young lads smiling back at him.  He was caught off guard to put it lightly.

So what do you do when you decide you look good?  Well, you go on a shred fest, duh.  Lunch ride, Nevada City formal style.  L to R: Jeremiah O'Riordan, Jeremiah Newman, Evan Smith and Nate Byrom.  Believe it or not, these are some smart dudes.

Back at 475 Miller (Mill Valley, CA) it was a different story.

Yup, we were quivering in our little boots when we saw who walked in the door ready to ride.  Correct, that is Geoff Kabush in the blue, the second in from the right.  Geoff's known for sporting huge sideburns to create wind resistance in a very kind physical display of good sportsmanship to try to even the playing field of UCI World Cup cross country racers and Olympians that are subjected to trying to compete against him.  Sideburns slow him down just enough to kind of give them a fighting chance.  Two down from Geoff, and two from the far left in stylish silver is Katerina Nash, whew.  Katerina decided to switch it up from competing in winter olympics and beating everybody on cross country skis and throw down some serious hurt on unsuspecting cyclists.  Did I mention she enjoys winning UCI World Cup 'Cross Races?  Serious business.  In between Geoff and Katerina is Gina Hall, who enjoys winning Masters National Cyclocross Championships for Team Cal Giant.  On the left are local fast guys Peter Vaughn and Brian McGuire.

So, all that being said, why in the world is Fred Falk smiling complacently to himself on the far right?

Well, they don't call him Fast Freddy Falk for nothing.  Fred's smiling because he gets to choose the ride and pictured here, he's already scheming.  They went up incredibly steep, down incredibly steep, and even skirted off camber, total exposure - might as well try to rattle some nerves.  Despite such fierce pedigrees, everyone was too nice.  No I didn't ride with them, I don't have a death wish but upon meeting everyone, I got a hi from Geoff that seemed could be substituted with a "Sup dude?" in his smiling, almost sleepy-content pleasant demeanor.  It took me a second to remind myself that this guy absolutely kills it, I never would have guessed based on his laid back vibe.  Yes, I said vibe, sorry.

Sharks circling the shark tank.  We cowered from our porthole windows as the voracious shredders set out to whet their appetite on some Fred led trails.

So what'd I learn?  Even decorated pros sure enjoy some good, old fashioned, trail time.  Also, dress to impress, or at least to stun those of importance, why not?  Until next time, we'll continue to enjoy our Junuary here until the water's turned off from no rain.

Fast Freddy Falk Fred Falk Geoff Kabush Gina Hall Junuary Katerina Nash Team Cal Giant trails Wilderness Trail Bikes WTB

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