Marco Osborne wins Trans-Provence!

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Photo credit: Sven Martin

Congratulations to Marco Osborne for earning the overall win at Trans-Provence 2017! Over six days, 80 racers pedaled 24 stages between the inland town Embrum, France to the coastal city of Menton. They racked up 167 miles of pedaling through 29,892 feet of climbing and 59,977 (you read that correctly) of descent. Not a bad way to spend a week in the French Alps. Throw in an overall win and it's easy to say it was an unforgettable and satisfying week for Marco!

Watch your head! No need to blow out a hillside to make the trail. Carving a semi-tunnel will be sufficient. 

True singletrack. It seems to fade away and reform at different points on the trail. 

When in doubt, follow the big arrow!

Gotta pay to play. Nearly 30,000' of climbing is worth it when you get it back double in the descent.

france marco osborne tcs tough trail boss trans-provence vigilante win

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